Shar Jason
Embodying Truth
Early on during the spiritual awakening process, we begin to observe that we can witness our thoughts. We feel a sense of space or distance from the automatic thinking process, revealing the delight that we are no longer completely entranced by the mind. It feels wonderful to have this deeper perspective and be able to notice the conditioning of the mind, but there is a greater reason for this shift. It activates the dormant awareness within us that is ready to be made conscious.
We explore this other side to ourselves, an unknowable yet familiar essence, deep within us. We discover we can’t objectify it, hold onto it, or even activate it, all we can do is notice that it is already there and surrender to it. We learn how to bathe in our formless silent selves, remembering our immensity.
Over time, worldly desires and the inner narrative become less important. Old unconscious patterns and repressed emotional content arise and dissolve into the vast aware space. What we focus on, we get more of. Our commitment to deepening our connection to our essential selves, is rewarded through more clarity and joy.
With enough consistent practice, a willingness to accept whatever challenging content or tests arise, and a little bit of grace, the position of awareness or beingness, takes the front seat. This noticeable shift happens where you have the permanent realization that 'I am that" - that unexplainable but very alive, divine emptiness. This shift is sometimes known as the end of seeking and can be thought of as the approximate halfway point of the awakening process.
Humanity as a species has largely become mind-orientated and lost or lessened the ability to tune into the body's wisdom, intuition and heart's language. During the awakening process we are taught how to reconnect with these lost functions. We go from trying to figure everything out in the mind, to learning how to trust what is deeper and more truthful. ​​​​
The body communicates in a different way and it takes time for us to learn and understand this language. The body knows how to stay alive and safe, who to trust and what is best for our life and awakening. The heart knows what it wants and longs to be listened to.
The mental interference creates doubts and fears that stop us from being able to hear this guidance. The body's wisdom provides a feeling of what is best for us, a gut instinct, but it doesn't give explanations. Over time we learn that we can trust this raw intuition and begin to operate from this, rather than listening to the mind. We see the limitation of mind and that it can only retrieve old data and recycle this content, rather than know what is best or true.
This is a part of embodying Truth. We feel what is true rather than conceptually understand it, both on a relative and absolute level. The more we empty out of content through the awakening process, the more we have access to our true nature. This enables us to connect deeper to our intuition as we are guided by pure awareness rather than our circular conditioning. We start to be able to feel when something is true or illusory. The body, filled with conscious awareness becomes a Truth detector.
The emptying out of the content in the mind creates space. Then it is used to access a deeper wisdom that is beyond the limited conditioning and becomes a channel of Truth. The body and mind then work together as a vessel of Truth.
​​​The longing to return home to ourselves becomes a form of suffering during the awakening path. Whatever glimpses of our true nature we experience, increase the desire to live from our core essence permanently. The enjoyment that we have experienced from believing we are a person starts to lose its charm, as we start to access something deeper and more authentic.
This suffering provides us with the motivation to seek what is true and let go of what is illusory - it is divinely orchestrated. It gives us the courage to keep going. We fall in love with ourselves, as pure awareness and everything else pales in comparison.
We simultaneously suffer because the illusion continues to take hold, as well experience more joy and peace as we access our divine emptiness. The contrast between illusion and reality becomes more obvious and we yearn for the day when the process is complete.
We are accessing the pain of separation and the only cure is liberation. ​​​​True awakening is one way journey - what is surrendered can never be reinstated. No new identity will create any sense of satisfaction and leave us with only one option - to surrender all.
We are the Divine, watching a play of our creation, made up entirely of us. We have no preferences; who lives or dies, what happens to the Earth, whether we become more conscious of ourselves or not. We are enamoured by our stories, our endless variety of characters, and our chronic evolution. What will we become next? A self-aware reptile?
We are not attached to this human species we currently live as. We love all our creations; the dinosaurs, every type of form on any planet in any universe, a plastic bottle rolling down the road, they are all equal and they are all us.
We are eternal and evolution itself, so we will continue to evolve into infinite forms forever. Some of these forms will evolve to become self-aware and some will not. Every species and planet will eventually become extinct and replaced by the next.
Regardless of what type of form we find ourselves in, it never affects our fundamental nature. This stays as an unmoving, unchanging force. Empty of any form, prior to any creation, we are undisturbed. Here at our core we are before any concepts of peace, freedom or joy, but also any type of suffering. Unknowable and undefinable it becomes impossible to convey.
​​​We are unable to be separate people, but we can (and have) created the illusion that this is true.
​As we come into human form, we forget who we truly are. Our boundless, eternal selves - now squashed into a finite vessel. Feeling confused, separate and small, we go through the motions of the character - we have no reason to do otherwise. We find happiness where we can, endure the mundane, and we suffer, sometimes a lot. We wait with great hope that something will change, yet the satisfaction and fulfilment feels just beyond our reach.
Most of the characters of humanity stay lost in this trance - in the illusion of separation. Perhaps intuiting there is something more, but never uncovering the Truth.
Others get a glimpse - or even a deep dive - back into themselves, instantly remembering the bizarre truth of the masterful charade. Only to succumb to the trance once again, perhaps yo-yo-ing back and forth across the gateless gate.
Eventually, a time comes when the trance of the illusion loses all momentum. The power of our formless vast core, dissolves the once sticky hypnosis and we are no longer able to believe in what once seemed so real. We laugh at how we fooled ourselves (yet again) and see our true face in everything around us. ​​​​​